man brushing teethIt may come as no surprise that men are less likely to seek preventative dental care and more likely to ignore their oral health for years than their female counterparts. And it may all begin with the toothbrush: Women change their toothbrushes twice as often as men, sticking closer to the recommended three months per brush, whereas men are more likely to keep one for more than six months.

The Academy of General Dentistry and the American Dental Association report that men are less likely to brush their teeth twice a day and more likely to develop periodontal disease and oral and throat cancer.

But unfortunately that’s not the worst of it.

Gum disease linked to cancer, prostatitis

Poor oral health and gum disease are linked to more serious health issues, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and sleep apnea. Gum disease is preventable, but not taking care of your oral health, and not seeking periodontal disease treatment when you have a problem, could have staggering consequences.

The Lancet Oncology found that men have a slightly increased risk of cancer mortality when they also have periodontitis. Men with a history of periodontal disease have a 14 percent higher risk of developing cancer than men without it. Men with advanced periodontal disease are more than twice as likely to develop lung and esophageal cancer, even if they’ve never smoked.

Researchers have even discovered a link between periodontitis and prostatitis. According to a small study in Dentistry, symptoms of prostatitis improved among more than 75 percent of study subjects with simple gum disease treatment.

Take back your health

One third of men haven’t visited a dentist in the last year. In honor of Men’s Health Month, if you’re one of them (or you love one), call Caffaratti Dental Group today at (775) 358-1555 to schedule an appointment. No matter how long it’s been since you’ve had a checkup, we’ll help you feel comfortable and carefully assess your risk for both oral health and other health issues.